Protect Your Digital Products With These 2 Steps


connie murray

By Connie Murray

January 11, 2013

It is not uncommon to hear entrepreneurs use the pregnancy analogy when referring to their business. No matter how if you’re really excited to step into parenthood or if it catches you totally by surprise your reactions were probably the same. You were nervous when you first heard the news. Is this really happening? Can I really do this?  As you accepted the fact that yes, this is really happening and just maybe I can do this, you get excited and start preparing for your little ones arrival. Finally, the big day comes. After hours of labor, your bundle of joy is here. You’re exhausted but it’s worth it. You’re full of love and pride. As you look at your new baby you know that you would do everything in your power to keep her safe.

Life as an entrepreneur is very similar except the baby is your e-course, your book, your workshop, etc… You worked hard to produce this work. You listened to your clients, the questions they constantly asked, the information they requested on a regular basis, and the things that they want more of. An idea was formed. You worked long hours, missed social events with friends and the latest scandal at Olivia Pope and Associates working on the perfect solution. It’s launch time and you’re terrified. Is it really ready? Yes. Will my target market find valuable? Yes. But the biggest question you have is “how can you do everything in your power to keep your baby safe?”


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