The Gift of Choice


Written by: Kimberly McKinney, Founder of Becoming Whole Ministries

Rather big or small I like receiving gifts.  It’s not the size of the gift that makes it special.  The mere fact someone thought enough of me to give me the gift makes it valuable.  Just like the size of the gift in the natural realm doesn’t dictate the value, the same is true in regards to the size of the gift in the spiritual realm.

Every day I wake up is a huge gift from God!  After all, He is the One who woke me up to see it.  Not only did He wake me up, He also made the day.  With that being said, I must also remember that with each day that I have been given, there is also another gift that comes along with that day.  The gift may be considered small, nevertheless it really is a big one and it is very valuable.  What is the gift?  The gift is the gift of choice.   In other words, God has given me the free will to choose how I will live.  Keeping that in mind, I must ask myself the following, “Will I use the gift of choice wisely?” “Will I honor God with the way I choose to use the day He has given me?”  After all some decisions are easy.  The decision of what to eat for breakfast is one example.  On the other hand some are not so easy.  One great example is deciding whether or not to raccept a job promotion that will require me to relocate to another part of the country.

Fortunately, most of us normally don’t face major decisions like the job transfer, but wwe all still need to be careful with the way we handle this gift of choice that has been granted to us!  Having the opportunity to choose is a big responsibility. The responsibility lies in how the outcome of our decisions will affect the directions of our lives and the lives of others.  For example, consider the following models each person is given to choose from below:

  • Peace versus Confusion
  • Joy versus Sorrow
  • Love versus Hate
  • Life versus Death
  • Blessings versus Curses

No one can deny the impact of the outcome of these decisions.  Today communities are reeling from the decisions of individuals who chose to hate over love and death over life.  Unfortunately we see it every day when we hear news reports of the many lives that have been lost to gun violence.  Take heart! There is an answer! The answer lies within each individual’s ability to pray, to seek God’s face, and to turn from bad choices (wicked ways).  God promised that when we do, He would hear from Heaven and heal the land.

So, now it is decision time.  Will you be a part of the solution or part of the problem?  Remember to choose wisely because you have been given the wonderful gift of choice.

All rights reserved 2016.


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