April is National Social Security Month!


April is National Social Security Month! During this special month, you can help us spread awareness about the importance of financial planning by taking part in our Thunderclap, a synchronized social media event to educate your networks about our programs and services.

Sign up here today to add your social media followers to the list of people who will receive this message at the same time on April 17:

Celebrate National #SocialSecurity Month! Take ‘5 Steps Toward
YOUR Financial Security’


Follow the simple prompts to sign up for the Thunderclap, and you don’t need to do anything more.

I hope you will also consider sharing our ready-to-post educational materials during National Social Security Month and beyond. Your participation will help us inform the public how our programs support them through every step on life’s journey, including important information concerning their current protections and future benefits.

Social Security retirement benefits replace about 40 percent of pre-retirement earnings for the average worker. That’s a good foundation, but most people will also need other sources of income in retirement — like pensions, savings, and investments. Yet nearly a third of the nation’s workers have no money at all set aside specifically for retirement, let alone enough to live comfortably.

Together, we can help the public understand their Social Security protections and put workers and their families in control of their financial future.

Thank you for joining us in promoting National Social Security Month. With your organization at our side, Social Security is here to help secure today and tomorrow.


Maria Artista-Cuchna
Deputy Associate Commissioner

      for External Affairs
(T) 410-966-0439


Help secure your today and tomorrow. Open a my Social Security account today at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount..

 For the latest Social Security News, check out the latest edition of the Social Security Update.

Stay Connected with Social Security

All rights reserved, Gumptown Magazine. Copyright 2017. 


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